Hi Lil' Fish! Unfortunately we filled up very quickly this year so we are not re-opening registration. However, we do still have a few spots here and there and this will constantly be changing as there will be cancellations and changes. So feel free to check the schedule often to see if there are openings. I'll also post openings on our Facebook Page (Cathy's School for Lil' Fish) so be sure to like it! If you see something you want, simply email me at:
Be sure to include your phone number the name(s), age(s) and level(s) of the people you are registering and what dates and times you want and I'll send you back a confirmation email that will have all the other information you should need. You can also email me to request to be put on our waiting list in case of cancellations. Let me know which sessions and times you're available (i.e I can do any of the first 3 sessions any time except 12 - 3). We look forward to swimming with you this summer!